Current Marist Tertiary Status

Current Marist Tertiary Status

Our current Marist tertiary status is as follows.

The program we ran in Adelaide in 2014 was accredited at the Graduate Certificate level by the University of South Australia through the auspices of Catholic Education South Australia.  It could be possible to run a similar program again, however at this stage it doesn't have accreditation with a university.

We currently have two programs accredited with ACU. The first is the Pilgrimage and Study Tour and the second is a course running in Melbourne in August this year on Marist Educational Leadership. Those teaching these courses have accreditation with ACU. There are still some spaces for participants in the Leadership Program.  Registration for this program can be made here:

We recently applied for accreditation for Footsteps 1 and Footsteps 2 with ACU. We should know the results of these applications in about four weeks.

John McMahon

Marist Studies 2015

Marist Studies 2015

Essay Requirements for the Pilgrimage and Study Tour 2015

Essay Requirements for the Pilgrimage and Study Tour 2015