We are pleased to inform you that Professor Geraldine Castleton from ACU has confirmed that our new Marist Tertiary Unit titled ‘Leadership from a Marian Perspective’ has been accredited with the University.
We are pleased to say we have a number of ongoing developments in Marist Tertiary.
Thirteen Marist leaders gathered at the Marist Centre Melbourne on Friday 16 September, 2016 to discuss Marist leadership as it is today.
We had a productive Marist Methodology Graduate Certificate Session on Thursday with eighteen staff from Sacred Heart and Cardijn Colleges participating.
On Tuesday 20 October, 2015 our Marist Tertiary and Online Committee met together in Sydney to reflect on our work over the past six months.
We recently invited Dr Jennifer Elvery to to fill a vacancy on our Marist Tertiary and Online Committee. I am pleased to say she has accepted. Jennifer is Head of Staff Services at Marist College Ashgrove.
Our first Marist Leadership weekend took place on 8th and 9th August 2015 at Marist Centre Melbourne.
This year’s Course for Marist Leaders is taking place during two weekends in August: 8th - 9th and 29th - 30th.
Our 2015 Marist Pilgrimage and Study Tour proved to be most successful. Some pilgrims are now in the process of writing their essays for submission to ACU.
Members of the Marist Tertiary and Online Committee met on Tuesday 11 May, 2015 at the Marist Centre Melbourne. The meeting noted that we now have four agreements with Australian Catholic University for the following programs:
Fifty Marist Educators from Schools across Australia gathered at Mittagong, NSW from 23rd to 25th March, 2014 for a special Colloquium.
We currently have two programs accredited with ACU. The first is the Pilgrimage and Study Tour and the second is a course running in Melbourne in August this year on Marist Educational Leadership.
By clicking this link you can access the essay topics and learning outcomes for those undertaking Marist Units with the Australian Catholic University.
Our international Marist Website carries the following item: 'Publicity about the Master in Marist Education Management and registration for this online course sponsored by Marcellin Champagnat University of Lima and the Marist University of Guadalajara.
Welcome to this site which we uploaded today.