As Marists, Mary has a special place in our hearts. We continue to learn more about her and to understand the significance of her role in the life of Jesus. Across the centuries numerous devotions to Mary have emerged. Today, there is an increasing focus on the contemplative Mary and on Mary as archetype.
Our Marist Tertiary Team is working enthusiastically on a new Unit for those who would like to study Mary at greater depth. During these four days we will seek to unearth answers to questions like ‘What has been the influence of Vatican II on our understanding of Mary’ and ‘What are the implications of Pope Francis’ encyclical Laudato Si on our Marist work?
Dates and Accreditation
Our new Course is titled ‘Leadership from a Marian Perspective’. It will be taught at our Marist Centre Melbourne across two weekends: May 5-6, 2018 and May 26-27, 2018. Accreditation for this Unit is with Australian Catholic University at the Masters level (AQF Level 9) has been obtained.
Further information can be obtained from Br John McMahon at
Michael Green, Hubert Williams, Grant Barclay, Jamie McIlroy, Susan Nabbs, John McMahon, Mark O'Connor
Hubert Williams
Mark, Hubert, Grant, Jaime, Susan and Michael (John took the photo)
Module 4 Contemplative Leadership
Grandy, G., & Sliwa, M. (2017). Contemplative Leadership: The Possibilities for the Ethics of Leaderhip Theory and Practice. Journal of Business Ethics.
Nolan, K. (2013). Laughing Buddhas: The Everyday Embodiment of Contemplative Leadership. (Doctor of Philosophy), Antioch University, Ohio.
Romano, S. (2014). Leading at the Edge of Uncertainity: An Exploration of the Effect of Contemplative Practice on Organizational Leaders. (Doctor of Philosophy), Antioch University, Ohio.
Schuttloffel, J. (2016). Introduction to the Focus Section: School Leaders and Contemplative Practice. Journal of Catholic Education, 20(1), 177-189.