Engaging in Marist Study
Marist Tertiary Programs
Our four day Marist Educational Program was held over two weekends in August 2017. Jennifer Elvery and I welcomed nine enthusiastic participants from five States of Australia to our annual program. Next year the program will be taught again in August, this time at Marist College, Canberra.
Our fifth accredited Marist Tertiary program titled ‘Leadership from a Marian perspective’ will be added in 2018. It will be taught in Melbourne over two weekends in May. Registration for the program will be available from the Marist Schools Australia website in November 2017.
This program is designed to help us reflect on Mary’s leadership as we understand it now, and how it has been understood across the centuries. What can Mary’s leadership offer our understanding of educational leadership today?
Marist Tertiary Students
Graduates of Footsteps 1 and 2, the 2017 Pilgrimage and our Marist Educational Leadership Program continue to write and discuss their work as they prepare their essays. Once finished, these essays are submitted to ACU for marking. The essays are due to ACU within six months of participants concluding their Marist program. The marking costs are covered by Marist Tertiary.
Resources to assist students with their essay writing are becoming more available on websites such as: the Marist Tertiary website our Marist Blog, the Marist Schools Australia website and the Marist International website.
Thank you for your support of Marist Tertiary Programs. We wish you well for this latter part of 2017.
John McMahon